Mental Health matters.

What is mental health -it refers to the Health status of the mind.A  mentally sound mind can be very productive;it is indeed a great asset. 

  Humans go through storms, painful experiences that affect their mental and emotional well being’.These painful experiences include;

1.Bereavement -loss of a loved one via death.

2.Heart-break-when one is deserted by his /her soul-mate.

3.Addictions. people who are addicted to drugs,they have developed a dependence on drugs,they cannot do without them.

They need counseling to overcome their addictions.

4 Frustrations as a result of umet expectations.-For example loss of jobs, opportunities extra.


1.Personal distress -A  person struggling with mental and emotional pain experiences,shows the following signs of his /emotional disturbance;

1.He/she detaches himself/herself from  people.

2.Experiences unsteady emotions -emotional swings.May experience somber mood .

3.If you see someone who  is going the acceptable  code of conduct/going against social norms;does not attend lectures , forfeit to do assignments.check out on him /her.He may be battling with depression.

When people are in such conditions ,they need close friends,brethrens to be near them to comfort ,guide and counsel them to overcome their  fears, anxieties and painful emotional  experiences.

   Come on readers!!! Do not die with your problems,always learn to share your issues with a trusted and wise personal who can help you recover from your mental and emotional upheavals.

Moreover,Learn to cast your cares, anxieties to God in prayer.Jesus Christ is a friend,who sticks closer than a brother.

  Phill 4;6-7.

Do not be anxious about anything,but in everything by prayer and supplication and petition with Thanksgiving,make your requests,be made known to God,and the peace of God ,that surpasses all understanding,will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

The Word of God says”Cast your cares(burdens) unto Jesus Christ,for He cares for you.”



A Professional, relationship coach and Counselor.

For my services contact;+254,740816535.1

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